Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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19 febbraio 2018

Photovoltaic solar plant in Bullas

Opening of the installation

Last Friday, it was celebrated the opening of the new installation of photovoltaic solar plant in the deck of the pavilion 'Mateo Caballero' that it will mean a energy save for the municipality of Bullas, besides other benefits such as a creation of a 'Energy Bank' or 'Solar Bank' which it will be managed by Social Services office.
This project of energy saving was a proposal in the Municipal Budget of last year that it was made by Francisco Espín, manager of Efficiency Services Consulting of Bullas. The citizens of Bullas chose this project, according the explications of the Major María Dolores Muñoz who expressed her pride of this selection that it will supposed social and environmental benefits to the town.  

"We are glad today with the opening of the new installation of a photovoltaic solar plant that has several benefits and objectives. One objective is to reduce the emissions of CO2, and other, is social, trying to palliate the energy poverty" said the Major. The workers from the office of Social Services will manage compensating the energy and money save to families that need them most.  

Last December began the construction of this installation that it cost 13.020€, being 9.972€ part of the municipal budget. With this photovoltaic generator we can reduce to 7.152 kWh from the 15.482 kWh that it was consumed by Social Services per year. So, around 2.000€ it will be save which it is the electric consume of two families.  

To the promoter of this idea this project is the first step to promote other similar projects.  Francisco Espín explains that there is other proposal with 50 thousand euros of additional investment to extend the project.   

In the inaugural act, also, it participated José Blanco ex- Ministry of Development and, now, Member of the European Parliament. He said that Europe pretends to reduce the carbon energy to zero by the year 2050, therefore, we will have to promote the use of renewable energy.

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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