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1 March 2017

Questionnaire on adaptation to climate change

The Italian Government is launching a consultation (open until 15 March 2017) to collect opinions from stakeholders.

The Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea is launching a consultation (open until 15 March 2017) to collect opinions from stakeholders in the field of adaptation to climate change with a view of getting additional information for the preparation of the National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change. Interested stakeholders can submit their contribution by completing the online questionnaire (in Italian language) at the following link.

The objective of this public consultation is to collect views and suggestions to understand vulnerability and impacts to climate change and to identify adaptation options from the different stakeholders and regions with the aim to cope with climate change. National Adaptation Plan is being developed by the Directorate General for Climate and Energy of Italian Ministry of Environment and it’s being shared with national, regional and local institutions.

The Minister of Environment said that only a shared strategy can get ready the Italian territory to the impacts of climate change. Paris Agreement and the ‘rules book’ written during the COP 22 in Marrakech, request a global but adjusted to the different situations, policy on climate. Protection and sustainable development of natural and human systems depend from our level of adaptation to climatic conditions that are getting always more complex.

National Adaptation Plan identifies six climatic regions and eighteen sectors particularly vulnerable to climate change. User is asked to state the climatic region where he lives and his area of expertise. User is also asked to select which actions he thinks to be of priority importance and to assign a rank order to some criteria by which measuring successful adaptation: effectiveness, economic efficiency, solidity, flexibility, win-win and no-regret quality, compliance. National Adaptation Plan seeks to enhancing resilience and adaptation capacity and also to creating opportunities of sustainable development for the Italian country.

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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